Sunday, August 18, 2013

I'm The Lunch Lady

Preschool starts tomorrow!! YAY!! 
Peyton loves school and she's excited about going  to 4 year preschool. She's going 4 days a week this year. 
I'm also putting the twins in a "Mom's Morning Out" program 2 days a week.
{Yes...they eat off the floor. The food did start out in a bowl. We're working on that!}

Anyway I was stressing about getting out the door on time on school days ...especially the days the twins I decided to make things a little less crazy in the mornings by preparing lunches for the whole week all at once. 
I bought lunch containers on Amazon {} and handy dandy lunch boxes for them to fit in. Also silicone muffin cups to hold food.
Then I scoured Pinterest and spent a few days creating my menus. I did 3, and I plan to rotate them throughout the year. As the twins add more variety of food {and hopefully leave some food allergies behind} I'll probably modify theirs. And if Peyton decides she all of a sudden hates carrots, I might change hers up. Maybe. Or maybe I'll just make her eat carrots. 
 I'm an excel geek. And I laminated them. Which is good cause I splattered this week's menu all up prepping lunches this afternoon.  
The food. I made a special trip to the store for this stuff, and what I didn't use for lunches will carry over to this week's dinner menu.
A couple of Peyton's lunches .. {yes, the child will eat cold Mac-n-cheese.} The little containers are ranch to dip in the raw veggies. 
Meri & Elise's lunches for school. I also went ahead and made their lunches for the days they're home with me..figured it would save me some time. Their veggies are cooked of course. But they don't mind eating them cold. 
In the fridge all ready to go!!
Ready to toss in the extras. 
Lunch boxes all ready to be packed with "reminder cards" of what goes in. Also I made pretty name tags. I didn't think my machine could sew through the insulation. And who likes writing on stuff with sharpie, really. 
And this isn't lunch related, but hopefully will help with morning sanity. Peyton's checklist for the things she needs to get done each morning. We went to her preschool meet & greet without her brushing her hair or teeth. {mom fail}
I love to plan and be organized {doesn't happen often these days} so this lunch thing just makes me so excited!! 
Oh and it took my about an hour and a half to cook, cut, and package everything today. Hopefully I can streamline that as the weeks progress.