Wednesday, October 30, 2013

To the new mom {and the Me of a year ago} .....

I was talking to a friend with a new baby the other day, and I wanted to send her a few encouraging words. As I was driving to an appointment and trying to decide what to text her when I got a chance, I just kept thinking of more and more things. Then I wanted to go back in time to myself a year ago and tell me these things!!  But time travel isn't a thing...and no way I'm going back to that anyway {sleeping through the night trumps 3 hour feedings any day!} ... so, I've come up with a few things that will hopefully encourage, or at least give a laugh to those new {and old} mamas I know. 

1.  You are rock as a mama for birthing {or adopting} and loving that little booger/snot/spit-up/drool covered tiny lovable monster. 

2. Give yourself a break!! If the kid(s) & the rest of your family are fed and have semi-clean clothes to wear...that's  good enough. And sometimes, good enough just has to be enough. 

3. Never apologize for wearing made it out of the house without forgetting anybody. You rock!

4.  If you manage to get a shower and put on makeup...MAKE SURE SOMEONE KNOWS!!  You need to be applauded for that accomplishment!

5. Don't be afraid to say no. It's ok to put yourself first sometimes. Because a tired stressed overloaded mama don't do NOBODY no good!!  {bad grammar intentional for emphasis}

6. Don't be afraid to say yes!! If someone offers to help, take them up on it. If they didn't really mean it then they won't ask again, but you still scored some help!! {I still struggle with this one & #5...ignoring my own advice, much??}

7. Stay home or go somewhere?? This can change with season/mood/age of kids.  When the twins were 3 weeks old I was out the door every week for Bible study. Not necessarily because I had a deep desire to learn. I just wanted to send my 3yo to childcare and pass off the babes to other mamas willing to hold them!! Not to mention adult conversation and COFFEE!!

8. Coffee. That is all. 

9. The old adage "Sleep when the baby sleeps" is totally doable with your first child, but maybe harder to manage with number 2,3,4.... Don't be afraid to park your toddler in front of the tv and doze off with your arm around her! 

10. Your baby will sleep through the night. One day. Probably. Just don't listen to people's stories. Especially the ones whose kids were sleeping through at 6 weeks. They lie. And those whose kids didn't sleep until they were 3. They're just trying to scare you. 

I could probably go on and on, but I've already been trying to get this written for 2 days!! I know it's hard to think about a year/month/week{!} from now, but it will get easier!  I'm looking at my 13-month old twins playing with toys on the floor..Sesame Street on the tv..while I'm relaxing on the couch! It may only last 10 minutes, but that's ok!

Hang in there, got this!!