Monday, August 15, 2011

Cleaning Day

So,  I'm not sure what brought it on might be that I'm about halfway through reading "The Help." It might be the fall-like weather we had today...  but, I did some super-duper cleaning today.
That's something that doesn't happen all that often - I just don't like to clean!  Now, I do the things I have to do...the kitchen, cause that's gross if it's not cleaned...the dishes, so we can eat...the floors, cause I have a 2-year-old...

But the dusting, the blinds, the baseboards, etc...that stuff I can put off for-EVER.  I'm sure my husband is greatly appreciative of my efforts today (he actually noticed the clean, which makes me feel great) and I feel pretty good about it too.  

Here are some pics of my day:

I started with cleaning the blinds.  Of course, this was after breakfast, and a little play-time outside...the weather was too gorgeous for us to was a nice breezy 80 degrees, which is heavenly after the blazing 90's we've had for weeks!

This is my special least until she dunked her duster in water....she's learning early how to get out of chores!  It took us until lunch time to get all of the blinds and windowsills downstairs done.  20 windows by my count.  I thought about cleaning the glass too, but that's going a little overboard.
Then, during naptime I cleaned the fireplace.  Yes, it is August in Georgia.  No, we haven't had a fire in it since probably March.  Yes, I hate to clean... this was a little ridiculous though, so I finally got down to cleaning it out.
Looks pretty good!

I also dusted the baseboards downstairs.  Ug.
Then baby girl woke up from her nap, and I still had to clean the floors. I sweep, then use the steam mop...usually I do this once a week and just sweep and spot clean in between.  Here's my mop:
And a little water I spilled...
This is how baby girl helps me clean the floors!  She loves to watch "Tee-Bee."

I finished up the day by making the week's menu and grocery list and cleaning the stainless picture, but take my word for it...they are shiny!

Here's my to-do list for the rest of the week...Glad to say I got to mark a few things off today!

1 comment:

  1. Love that you started a blog!! I call merry maids twice a year to do all of that tedious cleaning cause I am just not doing it!
