Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Today's Run

This morning I got up and ran, and it wasn't nearly as horrible as I thought it was going to be!  For the past 3 mornings, I was a lazy bum and decided to sleep instead of run, but I dragged myself out of bed in time to get in a 30 minute run today.  It was a little faster than I've run for the past few runs...not sure if it was the time off, or the cooler temps, but it actually felt almost great.  I have a love/hate relationship with running.

I used to hate exercising in the morning, but I've kinda gotten into the habit of it lately.  I just have to be back by 8 so the hubs can go to work.  I run out my front door and head toward downtown Acworth.  I have a few different paths I do, depending on how long I want to run.

I run for these reasons:
1.  So that I can eat like crap and not get (super) fat.
2.  So people think that I'm cool for running.  Go ahead, admit it, you know you do.

Here's my run data from this morning.

Total time:  30:18
Total mileage:  2.57
Average pace:  11:48
Average HR:  163
Mile 1:  11:45
Mile 2:  11:57
Mile .57:  6:36

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