Well, it's been more like 3 weeks since my original post of things I wanted to do that week. I really did get most everything done within a week, but then I had to add on taking pictures, getting them imported into my computer, and actually writing this post!!
So - here are my accomplishments.
I had to pull everything out of the closet before I could organize it.
It looked like Michael's exploded!!
The boxes are things that were on the top shelf of the closet...old college yearbooks, old business notebooks, boxes of electronics we've bought that we need to keep for some reason, etc. They all went in the attic crawl space, so I can get to them if necessary, but now I have the whole top shelf of the closet - that's where gift wrapping supplies and a few odds and ends go.
I set up a station for my sewing machine (it's new, I'm teaching myself)...one side of the desk is computer/server stuff for my husband, and the other side is my stuff. (I also added a folding table in the corner for cutting/ironing.)
And this is the beautiful organized closet!! I cleaned Walmart out of their stackable containers...I haven't added up how much I spent yet. :) But I think it's worth it for the organization. And I realized just how much yarn I have. Most of the drawers are full of yarn. I've got quite a few projects in my future!

This is the laptop sleeve. The first one I measured wrong, so I turned it into an iPad case to give to my sister. I love, and might be making some of these for Christmas gifts. The liner is the same color as the buttons...I found DIY fabric button things at Joann's and just hot-glued them on. The straps fasten with straps, because I haven't been brave enough to try to sew buttonholes yet.
My Ruffle bag!! The first ruffle took me 2 hours, but the rest went on pretty fast. I shall make some of these for Christmas gifts as well.
I ended up finding another old T-shirt to use to make this embellishment. I didn't touch the stack in my closet, but I'm counting it anyway. :)
Oh, my counter is so very neat now. I got this coatrack from the Container store..the hooks fold up when not in use, so it's very sleek looking. Things get a little smooshed when the door opens all the way, but it works.
The Crayon Family...Blue & Red make Purple!! (I so didn't plan it that way, but it's pretty cool, huh?? Mine and the little are made from all felt...it was my first sewing project with my new machine. Aaron's is just an embellished T-shirt, and he opted out of the hat (or "dunce cap" as he called it).
I finished 1 scarf for Special Olympics, and I'm halfway through another, but I failed to take pics of that.
And, I ended up doing an amazing job in the relay with an 11:05 average. More detail here, if you want it.
The to-do list was fun. I make them all the time, and probably won't share them unless they're full of new, exciting (to me) projects like this one. I've got a bazillion other projects in my head, but right now I'm working on Christmas decorating. We're having at least 2 trees this year, perhaps 3. Yay!!
So long...got to make wreaths while the child is napping!